Package Quantity: 1/Pkg Brand: RenoVo® Volume: 3.0 cc
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RenoVo® Equine Amniotic Tissue Allograft is comprised of amnion and amniotic fluid, intended to supplement and protect tissues.

  • Amnion and amniotic fluid are rich sources of biologically active factors involved in tissue regeneration with reported anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, re-epithelialization, and anti-fibrotic properties
  • Amniotic tissues contain key growth factors, amino acid, hyaluronic acid, proteoglycans and extracellular matrix proteins recognized as intrinsic to the complex tissue healing process
  • Includes product vial and insert

Sterile Packaging Type: Packaged Sterile Volume: 3.0 cc Brand: RenoVo® Package Quantity: 1/Pkg For Animal Type: Eqine