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      Sarah McNeal

      Patterson Veterinary

      Authored blogs

      June 26, 2024
      Revolutionizing Veterinary Ophthalmology: Enhancing Ocular Health with Innovative Tear Film Solutions
      The eye is a marvel of nature, with its intricate structures working together to provide vision and protection. One crucial component that often goes unnoticed is the tear film, which acts as a hydration oasis for the eye. In this blog, we will delve into the layers of the tear film, its essential functions, causes of Dry Eye, causes of Corneal Ulceration, and the revolutionary solutions like BioHanceTM and Sentrx Animal Care Ophthalmology Products.
      April 09, 2024
      8 Frequently Asked Questions about Safety Data Sheets, Answered
      It can be difficult and tedious to remain compliant with OSHA standards when it comes to safety data sheets. To help, we gathered 8 of your most frequently asked questions about SDSs, and broke down the answers here!
      March 15, 2024
      Joint Wellness and OA in Dogs
      Dr. Sarah Lochner shares how she assesses where her patients are at on a spectrum of joint health issues, and how she subsequently determines the right mix of supplements, surgery, and therapy options to best protect pet joints now and as they age.
      March 11, 2024
      5 Questions a Doctor (and Former Runner) Asks About Mobility
      As part of our observation of Wellness Month this March, Dr. Sharon Golden of Golden Veterinary Care shares the top questions she covers in every conversation with pet owners. These behavioral questions are meant to assess a pet's orthopedic issues and needs.
      February 12, 2024
      Full-Mouth Dental Radiographs: New Unit Captures Images in 20 Seconds
      Full-mouth dental X-rays, faster than ever, and the highest quality resolution? Technology has come a long way, and #DentalMonth is the perfect time to share an overview of the impressive new Pan i2D system for dental X-rays.