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      It's All In the Content: 5 Tips on How To Write a Blog To Educate Pet Owners

      It’s hard to believe that the word “blog” didn’t even exist just a few short decades ago. Today, blogs are incredibly powerful tools that are essential for a variety of reasons (and audiences). When it comes to veterinary marketing, pet owners are one of the groups that benefit the most from using blogs as a way to share knowledge.

      Believe it or not, Google (and other search engines) is another audience for blogs. The continued website content created through blogs helps a website gain and maintain a high ranking on a search engine result page. Today, we will start with the basics of how to create a successful blog with 5 guidelines.

      1. Consider where the blog lives

      If you want your blog to help your website gain favor with Google, it needs to live on the website. URLs like help you leverage the blog as new website content. Writing a blog that lives on a site like will not do your website any favors.

      You should also make sure the blog is easily found on Google. You can do this by incorporating highly searched keywords and sharing the link to the blog on various platforms like your social media profiles. Work with a marketing provider to ensure your website and blog are optimized.


      2. Narrow down some topics

      Since blogs are for humans as well as digital search engines, you need to find topics that benefit both parties. Pet owners tend to appreciate topics that answer frequently asked questions within the practice. “How Do I Protect My Pet from Fleas and Ticks?” would make a great blog topic. Giving people answers to questions is an excellent way to utilize the business’s website.

      Incorporating popular keywords into a topic like this can help you please your other audience—the search engines. This can help “lift” a site’s position in the search engines for keywords that are not performing optimally. To find these ranking weak spots, you need to run a keyword analysis on the website, as well as perform keyword research in general. Through your research, you may show your hospital’s website doesn’t rank well for the phrase “pet wellness.” Keywords help you strategically choose blog topics that are enticing for both pet owners and search engines.


      3. Embed links attached to keywords

      Google loves links. Both internal and external links show Google that you are creating reputable content. Using our pet wellness keyword example, be sure to link to the wellness page on your site when using the term in your blog.

      You should also add one relevant link to an outside resource—just be sure they are a reputable website. The goal is to have three to five of these links, depending on the length of your blog. An average blog is about 500 words. If your blog is longer, add a few extra links.


      4. Be consistent

      When running a small business, juggling becomes the norm, and finding solutions to ease the burdens is always a plus. Writing blogs for a business should be done on a monthly basis, unless a hospital is in a highly-populated area with oodles of nearby competition.

      Writing consistently can be challenging. Writing a few blogs in bulk and scheduling them to post over the next few months can help with this. If your eyebrows are creeping to your forehead at the thought, perhaps hire a marketing company to conduct the research, write the blogs, and post them on your behalf. Then, you can enjoy the benefits of posting regularly while removing the stress of producing content consistently.


      5. Write how you speak, and make it unique

      The hospital has its own brand, which is flavored by the people who work within it. Every interaction, every phone call, and every impression leaves a breadcrumb of who/what the business is. Make sure the tone of your blog matches the feel of your hospital. People are craving authenticity—just be you, and you will be okay.

      All the content (including blogs) on your website needs to be 100% unique to you with the copyright for your business. This allows you to abide by Google’s Panda rule that requires unique website content and gives pet owners an authentic view of your business.


      You got this!

      Whether created by a passionate employee who loves writing or a marketing agency, a blog is essential to meeting Google’s demands while educating and engaging your current and future customers.  

      Still struggling? At Beyond Indigo Pets, we know what it takes to tailor content to your marketing needs. We have the words when you need them! From content creation to website design and marketing services, our veterinary expertise will get tails through your door. For more information on our products and services, please visit our website or call (877) 422-8838.


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