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      How a Morning Huddle can Optimize your Technology

      The first step in implementing practice-changing equipment and technology is making the initial investment. The next step, equally important, is ensuring that you actually use it to the benefit of both your patients and your practice. Taking a thoughtful approach to how you pass the baton as a client/patient moves through the visit helps do that in a number of ways. It positions every member of your team as an expert with the patient’s best interests at heart. It helps patients follow through on treatment plans. Best of all, it increases case acceptance, leading to healthier patients and a healthier practice.

      A pass-the-baton discussion in your daily morning the huddle is a simple way to maximize your technology. At right, you’ll find more ideas you can implement. Here’s an agenda you can use to organize a successful, morning huddle.


      • Review last-minute changes so team members can update schedule and ensure commitments made yesterday are complete.

      • Relay results of yesterday’s consults, care calls and outstanding client issues.

      • Share equipment and technology success stories.

      Focus on Next Week

      • Review the patients scheduled for one week from today.

      • Schedule time to prepare for consults that would use your technology.

      Focus on Tomorrow

      • Ensure you have everything you need to complete treatment plans scheduled for tomorrow.

      • Review tomorrow’s schedule for optimal patient flow.

      Focus on Today

      • Review focus areas of yesterday’s data and today’s patients that have focus areas.

      • Discuss, specifically, how you will pass the baton as patients move from one stage of the visit to the next.

      • Highlight how your investments in technology benefit your patients, and how communicating those investments can increase case acceptance.


      • Share a positive thought for the day.

      A well-organized agenda will help keep the meeting on track, ensure important issues are addressed, and your new technology is used. Allow team members to contribute to the discussion – have them suggest a few agenda items in advance. To allow enough time to address each topic appropriately, keep the agenda short and succinct. And, remember to keep things positive! Focus on what’s going right in the practice – share success stories, client kudos, team member accomplishments, and birthdays. Go team! #Break
